IW Group of Advanced Motorists

Position Name Email Phone
NPS &CA Contact Phil Dyer chairman@iwgroupadvancedmptorists.org.uk 01983 883305
Chair Phil Dyer chairman@iwgroupadvancedmptorists.org.uk 01983 883305
Secretary Jill Shead secretary@iwgroupadvancedmotorists.org.uk 01983 524831
Treasurer Pete Baggott pete2397@gmail.com 07494 961928

We are a group of people who love driving and riding anything with an engine.

Our aim is to promote a better understanding of road use, developing good car or bike control together with observational skills to help make the roads a safer and more enjoyable place to experience.

We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm (except August and December) to discuss the finer points of driving and hear from some very inspirational speakers.

We offer support toward both IAM and RoSPA advanced driving and riding qualifications in a relaxed and social environment so you can improve your driving/riding skills at your own pace.

Our website is www.iwgroupadvancedmotorists.org.uk